It is possible to swap your primary key if you wish to through the Polymesh app.
- The secondary key you now wish to make primary should be be in your wallet and unassigned.
Note: If your secondary key is already assigned, you can un-assign it here
- Navigate to and select the following extrinsic:
- using the selected account: the current primary key.
- extrinsic: Identity > addAuthorization
- target: Account > the secondary key you with to make primary
- authorization_data: RotatePrimaryKey
- Submit this transaction - signed with your Primary key.
Note: protocol fee applicable, this fee will appear in the signing window.
- Once the transaction has successfully completed, navigate to Subscan and in the search bar enter your primary key.
- Next, find and click the extrinsic id for "identity (add_authorization)" >
- scroll down to "Events" >
- expand the corresponding event to find an authorization_Id which you will need in the next step.
- Back to the In the Polymesh app make the following extrinsic call:
- using the selected account: use your secondary key
- extrinsic: identity > acceptPrimaryKey
- rotation_auth_id: use the four digit code we obtained in the step above.
- Submit this transaction and sign with your Secondary key.
Note: Protocol fee applicable, this fee will appear in the signing window.
- Your keys should now be swapped in your wallet, after which you can assign your old primary to your account as a secondary here if you wish.
Please be aware funds (including staked funds) do not transfer when swapping, they remain in their respective keys.
If you are using a Nano Ledger and do not see your key in the Poymesh app, see here how to add an account via Ledger.
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