Polymesh has three classes of POLYX fees, all paid by the originator of the transaction.
Transaction fees / Network fees - fees charged for all transactions on Polymesh. They are a product of the transaction size (in bytes) and the complexity of the transaction, but otherwise charged regardless of the functionality used.
Transactions are executed first in - first out meaning it is not possible (or necessary) to pay higher fees for faster transactions.
Fee payment is split at a 4:1 ratio between the Network Treasury and the block-creating Node Operator.
Protocol fees - charged for certain types of native functions (e.g. reserving token ticker, currently 25 POLYX); set by the Polymesh Governing Council. Fee payment is split at a 4:1 ratio between the Network Treasury and the block-creating Node Operator.
Developer fees - charged and set by developers of smart contracts and smart extensions. While these are not yet activated for Polymesh, further details will be provided on specifics of the mechanism, fee split, and more, determined through the on-chain governance process.
Read more about POLYX Fees in our Developer Portal or on our blog.
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