The Polymesh Blockchain Explorer was developed by Subscan. Subscan is a blockchain explorer and a set of tools designed for Substrate-based blockchains. It allows users to search, analyze, and visualize various aspects of the blockchain's key data.
The Polymesh Block Explorer is available for Polymesh Mainnet and Testnet.
Tools of the Polymesh Blockchain Explorer
The Charts page is where you can find details of the daily, weekly, and monthly graphs of various data sets such as the current POLX holders, daily active accounts, and more.
You can also download the data of any page to a CSV file if you like.
Account Format Transform
This tool is designed for SS58 account format conversion between different Substrate-based chains, as well as the conversion among public keys.
Price converter
The price converter is a simple tool to keep track of the historical price of POLYX based on a specific block or time dimension.
The Runtime page is a tool where you can find all the modules and runtime logic of Polymesh. You can expand the details to any of the modules by clicking on the name of each one. You can also see the modules for any specific runtime.
API Docs
This is a link to the Subscan API docs which provide a simple way to access the chain data of Polymesh.
Get API Key
Developers can get an API key to access Polymesh's chain data and to integrate it into their own applications. More information can be found here.
WASM Contract Verification Tool
Smart contract developers can verify their smart contracts with this tool.
More information about smart contracts on Polymesh can be found here.
Learn more
Get started with the Polymesh Blockchain Explorer
Polymesh Blockchain Explorer - Accounts Page
How to analyze a failed transaction using the Polymesh Blockchain Explorer
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