The Polymesh Blockchain Explorer was developed by Subscan. Subscan is a blockchain explorer and a set of tools designed for Substrate-based blockchains. It allows users to search, analyze, and visualize various aspects of the blockchain's key data.
The Polymesh Block Explorer is available for Polymesh Mainnet and Testnet as well.
The Accounts page is where you can find details about the current POLX holders, system accounts and so on.
Polymesh Blockchain Explorer - Accounts Page
Basic information and Account Distribution
Here you can gain some insight into all POLYX holders and drill down further from the Whales to Dolphins, Fish, and Shrimp.
Account Role
Here you can find a list of the accounts assigned to specific roles on Polymesh, like system accounts, validators and nominators.
Clicking each of them will direct you to a page with a list with more details.
POLYX Holders
Here you can find a list of the accounts of POLYX holders and some basic information about them.
Learn more
Get started with the Polymesh Blockchain Explorer
How to view and download POLYX transaction history in the Polymesh Blockchain Explorer
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