Leaderboard totals?
I think I've missed something . . .
By my calculation the best you could do on the leader board (April 19) point-wise is 11800 points (onboard, stake node operator x 6 days, second key and transfer polyx). I see folks well above that (14400) and wondering if there are challenges being posted somewhere other than the leader board? It doesn't matter much but mostly curious and want to make sure I'm seeing all the challenges. Thanks!
Official comment
Fade is correct.
Our team is already aware of this issue and is working on a fix that will restore the correct points count and ensure points are counted correctly moving forward.
We will update you as soon as the fix is deployed and ready for you to test.
You are right Craig. I have the same question. Or are we to just play with the platform and figure out different challenges/ rewards?
0 -
There's a bug will be fixed soon
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